Special situations resulting in long-term impact
Nordika specializes in turning underutilized or outdated assets into dynamic, content-based, institutional products by utilizing our value-add approach and long-term vision for sustainable impact
SEK million completed equity and debt investments
SEK million assets under management
years of operational experience
About Nordika
Nordika is a pan-Nordic investment firm focused on special situations and impact investments in real assets in both direct and public markets. Our team has a wealth of expertise in real estate and related opportunities, and we specialize in turning outdated assets into long-term institutional quality products
Portfolio highlights
Nordika sources investment opportunities across public and private markets and looks to serve as the long-term capital partner of choice. Nordika offers a wide and flexible range of solutions, by equity, hybrid capital, or lending solutions to corporates or property owners

Logistea (publ)
Nordika has since 2023 been a prominent shareholder in the Nasdaq Stockholm-listed logistic real estate company Logistea
Säterinportti Business Campus, Helsinki
Säterinportti is an office campus consisting of five buildings whose multifunctional and convertible office spaces are designed to support the well-being of employees. In Säterinportti, the well-thought-out workspaces meet luxury amenities such as a high-quality lunch restaurant, a café, and the unique Comfort Zone in the heart of the campus. Nordika acquired the property entirely vacant in 2015 and has since developed it into a one-of-a-kind asset
Volt Kista, Stockholm
Volt Kista is a modern office building and coworking space located in the heart of Kista, Stockholm. Nordika acquired the asset vacant in 2019 and has since started an extensive refurbishment and letting